HONEY's little ones are enjoying tasting Blue Buffalo Kitten chicken. They are doing very well with eating and know when I come in saying "Here babies, babies, babies", it means they get a tasty treat. They also eat freely from the dry food bowl. So they are getting as much food, as well as still nursing from Mommy, as they want or need.
So far they do well with eating most of the half a teaspoonful for each kitten. They are still quite small.
Mommy is very happy to lick up any leftovers (smile)
So here are some fun playtime pictures. I don't have many, these guys are very active and so many of them turned out blurry, so I will have to try to capture some more today.
They are all doing so well. They play hard, and are so funny. They are bigger than my balled up fist now. They will climb over my legs when I am sitting on the floor with them.
They will have loving homes to go to. And everyone is eager for their take home date of April 24th to get here.
Hope you didn't get too attached to the warm weather, we have 2-3 days where it will be in the 20's again overnight. And I just bought plants for my garden. ARG. Now I will have to cover them over and hope for the best. But I am hoping for the best outcome.
Stay safe and warm until next time.
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