Our little Gray W/White boy. He is adopted.
Our little Black boy. He is adopted.
This is the darker of the two Colorpoint boys. He is adopted.
Our little Blue W/White girl. She was the first one adopted. ( of course...lol)
Well.....I didn't get great shots of this guy, He is Black / White. I mean, really black with the white. so I don't know how I messed up these pictures. He is not grey at all. He IS cute as a button and gives kisses. (smile) right on my chin. He is available.
And our last Colorpoint boy. Both Colorpoints look to be Bluepoint as far as I can tell this early. And both look to be Lynx points, which means that they will have the blue (grey) striping in their faces. So classic! This little guy, I don't know if he is adopted. I talked to somebody about him, but I do not have a deposit on him. And if I don't hear in 3 days I am putting him back up for adoption. So hang tight.
So, potentially 2 kittens left to adopt. I am calling my waiting list in turn. AND DREAMER is due to deliver on Tuesday. What will she bring us? Stay tuned...same cat time, same cat channel....(hahaha, that's from the old time Batman series.) I think I just gave away my age......oh dear.
. have a great day, and enjoy the pictures.
Such adorable kittens!