I will be calling the Waiting list for DREAMER's babies over the next few days. With 60 some odd still on the waiting list and more being added each day. All I can do is be fair with the date of contact being who I call first on the Wait list. Please don't keep asking where you are on the list or how soon you will get a kitten. After these 6 are adopted, I will not have babies again until the early months of 2021. When??? Nature will answer that as the girls go into heat and do or don't get pregnant on their "date" with Garreth. I know about 4 to 5 weeks into their pregnancy as the belly and other signs show she is pregnant. I cannot know or do anything about nature taking its course.
When new kittens are born next year I will take up where I left off with the Waiting list, again starting with the ones who contacted me first, one by one, in turn.
OK...on to the pictures of DREAMER's kittens and happy thoughts and starting the day off on a good foot.
These were taken Oct. 11th.

They have had their eyes open a couple of weeks here.
Poor DREAMER just keeps being blurry in my pictures.
So, as soon as I can manage a few hours to dedicate to it, I will be getting individual pictures of each baby. I have to take hundreds of pictures just to get a few good enough to be posted. They all move so fast and don't want to be still for a moment. And Mom is a factor, she keeps trying to pick them up and put them back in the box with her. So , it gets to be a real zoo at picture time. (smile)
There are 4 boys and one lone little girl. They should be quickly adopted. They are so cute.
Have a happy day!
Doreene Richmond with Cherished Siberians
23292 Hawfield Rd.
Unionville, Va. 22567