A great morning to everyone. HONEY's kittens were born on March 7th in the wee hours of the morning. Final total is 4 boys and 1 girl. The little girl is already adopted.
It seems to me that we have 2 Cream Tabby kittens and 3 Colorpoint kittens. Coloring will clarify in about 4 to 5 weeks.
I have an embarrassing dillemma, I spoke to a lady about being 2nd in line for me to call about HONEY's litter and I didn't write down the name and I have tried a couple of numbers, but, please if you are keeping up with the blog, please call me back. I feel so foolish. I will wait a week for you to call me, but then I will need to go to my waiting list again,
Mama and 5 pretty little babies.
My beautiful HONEY.
HONEY was so good about letting me get pictures. But now 3 days in she acts like she wants to bite me if I reach for one. She will ease up in a week or so. Then I can try to get individual pictures. To all those who wanted girls.....I am sorry. This litter--BOYS rule. lol.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. And it looks like we'll be staying in for a few rainy days. And it will get really cold at nights again. March is so fluctuating with the weather, isn't it? Stay warm and well. Til next time........
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