HONEY's kittens are getting curious and wandering about the whole room ( much to HONEY's disliking) she loves to keep them near her and keep them little babies for as long as she can. She hates for them to get too far.
But these little ones scramble to get to me and cuddle and play whenever I get down on the floor with them. And purr too. They are the friendliest I've seen HONEY's kittens be in a long time. They remind me of ABIGAIL's kittens. They are always super friendly.
This little Flamepoint boy is still available temporarily. I still have around 20 on my waiting list to contact.
They do like running around and playing with little toys and they certainly love people and being with me to play and cuddle. I just LOVE it.
Enjoy your pictures and enjoy today before it starts raining again this week.
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