HONEY's babies as of yesterday. They aren't walking yet. They still sleep and eat and squeak at Mommy. But they ARE getting bigger and bigger.
HONEY is still a very attentive Mama, seldom getting out of the box away from her babies.They are very good eaters. And can sleep like champs. hahaha.
Well, somebody is awake and moving around. And another behind her stretching.
HMMM, I wonder what we can get into now.
We are awake and ready to see a little of the world around us.
Look over here, I am awake too.
Mama looks like she is laughing, actually she is yawning, but it was too cute not to post.
Blue and White girl. She is spoken for. She has a home.
Calico girl with the most white face. She is spoken for, she has a home.
Blue and White girl with the question mark type of marking. So cute. She is spoken for,and has a home.
Calico girl with the golden brown blaze on her head. She is AVAILABLE.
Colorpoint girl. She is spoken for, she has a home.Calico girl #3 She is spoken for, she has a home.
Cherished Siberians
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