Thursday, April 23, 2020

ABIGAIL's Litter Is 5 Weeks Old

     ABIGAIL's little ones are all out of the box, all over the room , playing on and with their toys.  Just started , a couple of days ago,  giving them a sample of wet food mixed with water.  2 took to the solid food, the other 3 were not too interested yet.  But they licked their paws really well. {smile}
     ALL of ABIGAIL's kittens are spoken for and have homes.
But here are some fun pictures for you and their families to see.

This is the Colorpoint male with the dark tail and white paws.

 This is our beautiful boy with the white in the middle of his face and across his shoulders.  Such a distinctive markinged kitty.

These kittens love to play together.  All of them, most of the day long, until they tucker themselves out and fall asleep.

Our lone, little girl in this litter.  She has 4 brothers. Yet she was the first to open her eyes, the first out of the box and the first to master eating wet food.  She is tough enough to hold her own against her 4 brothers.

This is our biggest boy in ABIGAIL's litter.  A strapping boy with the darkest nose and dark tail. And inherited Garreth's white paws.

And this is our little guy with the darker paws and cute nose which is lighter than our biggest boy.

Each week I have an easier time telling them all apart.  But they are so distinctive to me now.  And that's a good thing. (smile)

More fun pictures of ABIGAIL's Babies at 5 weeks old.  Half way to coming home time.

So have a great week end, spending quality time with your loved ones and families while we are staying in our homes and safe from the sickness outside.


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