Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 It has been a while since I've posted a  blog since I didn't have any babies left.  So I've been getting some more pictures from ones who have my kittens in their homes.  Let's have fun seeing them in their new environments.

Well, I don't know where all the other ones went.  I keep discovering many things I lost in the last "update" they did on my computer.  I didn't know they could delete things that I find missing. 

   THAT being mentioned..... PLEASE...the person who sent a message reminding me of their deposit for a kitten, reach out to me again.  Some of my messages and e-mails went missing as well and I need to get your name and information back.  .   DREAMER is due any minute.

  Thank you for tuning in to view my blog today and I hope you enjoyed seeing past babies in their current forever homes.  

                               Remember to make each day your MASTERPIECE.  

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