Saturday, September 24, 2022


 Hello everybody,

   ABIGAIL had her kittens on the 10th of September, but I got locked out of my account because I changed servers, but now I've gotten back on.  

So here are some group shots of them (what ABIGAIL would tolerate)

She had 7 kittens , 6 girls, 1 boy.

I have 2 Colorpoint babies. 1 boy and 1 girl.  Their coloring will appear in 5-6 weeks.  Right now all I know is they are Colorpoints.  The colors are generally Bluepoint which is a grey coloring,  Sealpoint, which is a brown coloring, or Redpoint, which is an orange or what people generally call ginger coloring.

   I have 3 Black girls.  1 a solid black with no white (only had this 4 times in 15 years.)

1 Black W/White Tabby- white being on the face, neck and down her left shoulder and leg.  She has been adopted.

1 Black W/White Tabby- with a white blaze above her nose and on her forehead.  

2 Blue W/White  (grey tabby) kittens.  One Tabby W/White and she has been adopted.

And one Blue W/White-She has been adopted.

And when they got a bit older.....

and now with their little eyes opening........

And now that my blog is working again, I'll try to keep up.

So to recap, I have available:

1 Colorpoint boy

1 Colorpoint girl

1 solid Black girl

1 Black W/White girl

I have a very short waiting list left to contact.  We shall see how far these will stretch. (smile)

I know  some will not get one this time.  My next ability to have kittens will be after these kittens go home in 10 weeks and then give my girls a month or two to recoup and get healthy before letting them go on a date with Garreth.  Usually while they are still nursing they go into their first heat. So in the wild they would be getting pregnant before their babies are weaned, but as the human 'mommy' it's up to me to tell them "oh no, you're not ready yet".

So patience, and bear with me, and we'll get healthy kittens from healthy mommies and everyone will be the better for it.

To get on the Waiting List go to and send me your name, address, phone number, and e-mail, without all 4 you are not added.  If you need a fur sample to test allergies also include that in your waiting list info.  There is no fee for the Waiting List or the fur sample.

Thank- you, 

Have a purrrrrfect day today.

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