HONEY's kittens have been a joy and they are getting so big now. They are playful and sweet and according to the Vet from their wellness visit, are all healthy and looking good.
Still nursing from Mom every once in a while.
This flamepoint boy is just watching everything go down today. Everybody played hard today with a dangling toy wand. Now he is tired and watching, just like his Calico sister right behind him. Didn't see her in the shadows ... did you? Tricky.
There she is , hiding in the shadows under the cat tree.
This little Flamepoint boy number 2 is still running under the scratching post toy and zipping about.
This is the 1st one still chillin' out at the bottom of the cat tree. He has the whitest face of the 3 Flamepoint boys. He belongs to S. B.
Here's HONEY looking pretty sleek after keeping up with 6 little ones for the past 9 to 10 weeks.
Everybody is playing peek-a-boo around the toy wand I let drop to the floor.
This is the Flamepoint with the most red over his nose. He will keep his blue eyes his whole life. He is so adorable. He belongs to V. L
Our Cream Tabby Boy. He is such a cuddle bug and purrs up a storm. Always happy to see us and runs to greet us.
He belongs to H. H.
Playtime with the wand toy.
This pretty little princess Calico girl belongs to L. G.
Let's get this toy, I want it next.
Now it's my turn, I will jump up to get it.
This little guy is the Flamepoint boy with just a little of the red coloring over his nose. Got to love those piercing blue eyes. He belongs to A. D.
Everybody is watching the wand fly through the air,
I opened a paper bag to let them run in and play with, but the first thing they did was jump on top of it. So......not so much fun after all. hahaha.
Hey, Mom's tail! Always a good toy.
Sometimes one or two get blurry when they are moving too fast for the toy. But here's the Sealpoint girl and the Calico girl watching for the wand toy.
Both of these girls want a turn at getting the wand toy too. The boys play too rough and the girls don't always get a turn, But I trick the boys and then get it to the girls so they can play too.
Watching and jumping for the toy.
Dinner time. They each have their own section of this snack dish.
Good babies, eat all your food.
This little Sealpoint girl belongs to S. C. She is a fuzzy ball of love.
I will miss all of you fun babies when you go to your homes. But I love getting pictures from everyone when they have special moments they want me to see.
They are mostly going home on Saturday. They are such fun and good little babies.
Thanks for watching, Cherished Siberians today.
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