Friday, April 2, 2021


      I just wanted to confirm that all my babies from 3 different litters are adopted.  I keep getting multiple e-mails and texts saying they see I have available kittens and are interested.  So I hope this will answer everyones'  queries before they get their hopes up and I have to let them know they are all adopted.


Larion Talisman Udachi (GARRETH)    The long name is GARRETH's Russian owner's name for him, I renamed him GARRETH right away, but TICA won't let me change his name for documents.  So he is GARRETH to me and the other name for TICA, I put both names on the paperwork to go home with everyone so there won't be confusion who this is.  My blue-eyed, gentle, loving, purr buddy.  And daddy to all the kittens around here.  I picked his cattery Mom because she did all the major testing that I have done for my cats to ensure that you get healthy kittens.

OK, so, no more kittens right now.  But if anyone would like to be on the waiting list please e-mail,  I require your name, address, phone number and e-mail.  Without all 4 you are not added.  And I hope to have kittens at the end of the year, once these kittens go home and the Mommies have time to recoup, see the Vet and are healthy enough to have another litter.

    Have a wonderful day, even though it has turned colder once more.  I had to put baby blankets on my few little garden plants, hopefully they survive.  Tonight is going to be below freezing too. Then maybe, just maybe, warmer weather will come on in and stay for the planting to continue.    

BYE for now.

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