Ok folks, do you want to know how old I am??? How long have I been using this blog site?!!!?
I was just looking at a lot of things on the side bars and I saw the "comments" and clicked on it and I had 36 comments and questions from 2016 and on up. Now , fortunately, I recognized a bunch of the names and you found me by calling the phone number on the blogspot, and most got their kittens from me. But I must apologize to a few who must have thought it was impossible to contact me. And boy do I feel old and stupid right now.
Alright, if you can stop laughing long enough... I plan on checking out this "comment" section on a regular basis now that I have discovered it. And those that felt snubbed or ignored....please forgive me. As someone who contacted me about kittens said in her e-mail: " I'm trainable".
I haven't figured out how to respond using that section yet. I've clicked on everything I can see there, but nothing lets me type a message back. I'll keep playing with it and I'll ask my daughter.
Hope this cheered you up and made you feel smarter today (hahaahaa)
This is a funny post! And your kittens are beautiful. Laura Keohane