Tuesday, February 16, 2021

HONEY's Kittens Were Born

 Good Morning from Cherished Siberians in Unionville, Va.

HONEY had 4 kittens from 1 a.m. til about 5 a.m. Saturday morning Feb 13th.  I have begun the process of calling ones on my list. So far no one has adopted a kitten.  So I am continuing to go down the line on of my waiting list.  I currently have about 123 on the waiting list ( now dwindling a few) and I know there are anxious hearts out there. But bear with me as I continue my task.  I have a few pictures and I did the best I could because HONEY decided to have them under the chair.  So not good lighting to get the pictures I hoped for.  But I did actually get 2 shots of each kitten when HONEY was busy eating.  I actually did a whole blog post on Monday, but when I came on here today it shows no blog page was posted.  I am sorry, and I don't know how that happened.  But here are the pictures (again---haha)

Here is the first kitten , a little  boy.  He is a Colorpoint.

I am 93 %  sure this Blue W/ White is a girl.

 This little one is also a boy.  He is a Colorpoint.

And the 4th little one is a girl.  She is a Colorpoint.

Of course, I cannot tell what color the points will be yet.  Their coloring will come in , in the weeks to follow.

HONEY is a really good , loving mommy.

Two of the Colorpoints, and HONEY is trying to hide them with her paws.

HONEY touches the little ones to direct them back toward her if they are crying.  Or sometimes just to touch them and connect with them.

She is pretty happy with her little brood.  Look at those eyes so full of love.

OK, she's a little tired of me bothering her with her kittens.  You can see it in her face. (haha)

Now she's just going to hide them from me with her paws and body.

 Kind of a  bad angle, makes the Colorpoint look huge and he's not, he is tiny. (smile)

OOOps somebody flipped over their own belly.

Cuddles and kisses.

"OK, I'm done now, please go away."     OK, HONEY,  thank you for letting us enjoy your babies.


And I hope you DID enjoy seeing these little ones.

At this point I can offer a girl or boy kitten with only one person getting a kitten of color.  Which is odd for HONEY and ABIGAIL, they are my only hopes for kittens of color.  And usually they deliver a variety of colors for me.  But nature makes its own rules.   It's ok, we love these kittens so much.

Have a fabulous day.  And stay dry if you can, this weather is so crazy.

Thank you for joining me today.  Bye for now.

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