Monday, September 7, 2020

HONEY's Arrivals

    HONEY has had her kittens September 5, 2020  starting at 5:48 until around 9:30.  She has 6 kittens and they are so small and cute.  She is being very protective and  possessive of them right now.  so I have some newborn pictures, but I cannot get them on a one on one basis to show colorings really well now.  She swatted at my hand pretty good, so "don't touch" is the theme of the day right now.

   Unfortunately we didn't get many kittens of color from HONEY this time.  There is one Classic Black/Brown Torbie little girl who is spoken for. And it looks like two darker colored Colorpoints which could end up being Seal points or Creams (which is a reddish coloring) but right now, I just cannot tell.

There are girls and boys, I just have to be able to get close and get quick pictures of which one is which sex, so I know what to tell you in picking your kittens.  I still have a long waiting list that I am going down one by one.

So here are the only pictures I can get for the time being.

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Hope you enjoy the pictures until I can get them all sorted out.

Have a great day, and I am hoping to give you a call soon.  I will start with those who contacted me first and go through them until these 6 have their new families. I am sorry,  I KNOW  I don't have enough for everybody.

But have a great day and enjoy the small things.  Keep safe and happy.

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