ABIGAIL with her three kittens. The Colorpoint kitten is Chester. He is adopted. The only boy. The Classic Tabby in the back is one of the girls, and she is adopted. And the Blue W/White kitten in front is a little girl and I am keeping her for my new breeder girl. Her name is Ilya. {pronounced Eelya}
They are now 5 1/2 weeks old and will go home December 13th.
They are playing, eating (a LOT) and having fun.
OH, Hello!!!
I'm exploring and having fun.
Hello, I'm the boy....gotta love me!
Two little cuties, open, clear eyed, curious little bodies, full of fluffy cuddliness.{I know that's not a word}
Climbing on the couch with Mommy. Notice it is a heated blanket, so that they can be comfortable even with the heater going for the whole building. Little pampered babies.
Mommy still likes her box to lay in and relax . She's never been one to use the birthing boxes that I built for the Moms. She loves her cardboard box "cave".
Bright Blue Eyed, Boy.
Lounging around with mommy on the couch.
Remember when mommy wanted to keep them in the large crate? Here are some of the pictures from that time too.
Chester on top of the doll bed in their room as well.
You can really tell the difference in the ages from when they were still in the crate to the newest pictures now.
Interesting ways to eat your food.
Getting their wet food in a divided child's dish.. Works perfectly.
OK, we are done. These kittens don't seem to ever eat all their food. But they are getting quite fat and sassy.
And now it's getting to be nap time. Fed and played out and getting so sleepy.
Mommy's sleepy too.
Good Night for now. Shhhhh.......we'll talk later.
That's all for now from Cherished Siberians.
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