Saturday, March 18, 2023

Updated Pictures of Dreamer's Litter

 Good Morning,

   Sorry my pictures have been sparce.  I have some really sweet pictures from the other day.

Look at the smile on this little boy!!!  He is adopted by E. T. He is outgoing, friendly, super feisty and loves to cuddle and follow me around.

This little girl has little stockinged feet.  She is playful and sweet natured and loves to play with the feather wand and her siblings. Strong personality, and so playful.  Sweet as  She is adopted  by   E. U.

This little boy (big boy) is a solid little man.  He is the only one with a pink nose in this litter.  One little girl started off with a pinkish nose, but darkened as she got older.  He is the shyest of all this litter, but that being said, none of them in this litter is really shy at all. He still loves to be picked up and cuddled and loves to fight with his little brother and chases everyone around.  He is adopted by V. H.

    This little girl has more white on her paws than the other girl.  The only way I can tell them apart. Such a sweetie pie. Is friendly and playful and a happy little soul. She loves to chase a string or play with the feather wand.  Just fun fun fun.  She is adopted by D. M.

   Now some playtime pictures.  These guys can play rough sometimes.

Well, not these two....right?  Don't let those innocent looks fool you this girl and boy can really get into it. (smile)
Surely not, you say,  look how sweetly they let me take their   pictures.

This is the girl with the logest stockings and the smaller boy playing with a ball with a bell in it. 

These two girls are still finishing up the remnants of dinner time. (wet kitten food)  They do love to eat their food.

OOOps, that was the boy.  You fooled me, you little kitten food licker , you.  hahah

Our darker faced boy cuddling up to Mama.  He is so sweet.

Now is this both girls?  I believe so.
Pink nose boy and the girl with  the small socks.

When the kits start playing too rough and one cries out, then Mama gets in the middle of it and puts a stop to it.  She is a good mama.
Cutie duo.

Beautiful girl with the long stockings.   Don't you love those piercing blue eyes.?

                                                    Sister and Brother

                                                           The boys
                                                            Little boy and his sister,  watch out he will pounce on you.
                                                                3 huddled together.

                                                            Sister and little boy


Two boys, at it again.

                                                        TAG you're IT.

                            The two boys.            Not a great picture, but their play is endless. LOL.

Unlike this blog, which must now come to a close.  Have a happy, playful day too.  Take time to play with your family and enjoy one another.  Laugh a lot.  

The kittens go home April 3rd.   And ABIGAIL is due to deliver the week after.

Bye for now,

Cherished Siberians

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