Look at these little ones with their eyes open now. So precious. And DREAMER keeps moving them from one place to the next in the room. (smile) She has always had the tendency to do that.
I know this one is a little boy. I don't know them all by sight yet. DREAMER doesn't like them touched all that much yet.
Most of these are just cute shots and I don't know who is who yet.
I know this one is a little boy too.
I believe this might be the biggest boy. But the one girl looks very similar, so don't quote me on that just yet. lol.
I know this one is a little girl.
I this the biggest boy again? Possibly. I don't know.
The same little girl again.
So cute and cuddly looking. In another week or so they will probably be walking out to me to cuddle them.
As I get to know them and their markings ( when their coloring comes in) Then I can tell you who is who and which ones are boys and girls. But I am enjoying watching them and petting them once in a while. DREAMER is a sweetie, but she likes her privacy with her little ones.
Hope you enjoyed their opened eyes pictures.
I am still calling my waiting list. There are still a few I need to call still.
Have a great week-end
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