Thursday, August 11, 2022

DREAMER has Kittens

 Good Morning all.  Good News, DREAMER is a Mommy again to 6 beautiful kittens. 2 girls and 4 boys. (As far as I can tell now)  I will keep checking as I go along to make sure I got them right...I've been fooled before.{smile}

I do have around 60 on my waiting list, but that doesn't mean you won't get a kitten.  Many times as I start calling, I find that many cannot adopt at the time I call.  So, if you are interested in getting on the waiting list go to and send you name, address, phone number and e-mail to be added.  And I will confirm.

Please bear with me as I have to re-sync my computer to my device with all my pictures on it.  New devices always give me problems. A BIG thank you to my daughter for patiently helping me with all the electronics and tekky stuff.  So pictures will be upcoming, but you've seen DREAMERS newborns before all white little furry blobs until they get any coloring at all in a few weeks' time. Heeheehee.  But as soon as I can I will post many pictures for you to look at.

In the meantime I will be calling you on my waiting list to start the adoption processes. And we will see how far these 6 will take us.  ABIGAIL is due to deliver in about 6 more weeks as well.

Have a great day and thank you for your patience.  OH LOOK.....the pictures just came through!!!!

Here 5 can clearly be seen

6 can be seen, but the one is under the last one at her back leg.  So funny.

Bright eyed Mommy.

And here are a bunch of individual shots, but I don't know who is who, too young to tell. However the ones with a pink blanket are the 2 girls.

So everyone keep a bright outlook on the prospects of a kitten from this litter and I shall be calling soon.

Have a great day.

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