Saturday, May 1, 2021

DREAMER's Kittens

 These are few and to me, a bit disappointing, but I will be getting more.  I got my 2nd Co Vid shot and man!!!!, was I SICK for 2  1\2 days.  But, when I think of all those in the hospitals and on respirators (if they survive) I am willing to take the two days of sickness.

These were at least cute....but I THINK I only got five of them.   But I know I have to get more.  Soon, I hope!!!

A little boy.   Look at his cute little black outlined nose.

A little girl.

Another little boy.

Another little girl.

Cutie pie little girl.

Sorry, this is all I have.  I will do better.  I am making my excuses, but I am trying to keep going given all I have been up against this last month.  Please bear with my imperfections.

Cherished Siberians

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to post these. We are so excited to meet our little girl. Any idea when they may be ready to go? And yes..we all had our vaccinations too. I hope you feel better.
