Wednesday, November 4, 2020

DREAMER's Kittens Available and Adopted

 Hello everybody.  Dreamer's kittens are getting a little older and I can start trying to get individual pictures of them.  They are thriving and doing well.


Blue Lynx Point boy, is still available.  This one has the lighter paws.

This is the Blue Lynx Point boy with darker paws.  He is still available.

dark faced little girl.  She is adopted.

Blue Lynx Point boy,  is still available.

this little Sealpoint boy is still available.  He just wouldn't be still enough to get a good picture of him.  He is feisty.

And this is the darkest colored of the two dark faced little boys.  And he is adopted.
Now remember I am still working through my waiting list, so unless all of these people refuse a kitten at this time, I will not be offering them to the public.  But feel free to contact me to add yourself to the waiting list.  I should be having kittens again sometime in the first of 2021.  Depending, of course, on nature to take its course.  Then it will be 9 weeks from the time of their "date" with Garreth that babies would be born and they stay with Mommy for 10 weeks and then go home with their new families.  Abigail should be first, after she has rested and recouped her body and is healthy enough to get pregnant again.  The other two girls are still with their current babies, so they will not be moving forward for a few months or so.
So just a few more fun pictures for your enjoyment.  

I will post these for now and work on another blog page soon.  Have a wonderful day from Cherished Siberians

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