Sunday, March 22, 2020

ABIGAIL's Kittens Pictures

 This is the biggest boy.  There are 4 boys who are Colorpoints.

Good shot of three of the boys.  One is under the other one feeding.  The girl is curled up.

In these pictures they are only one day old.

Abigail looking self-satisfied as she relaxes on my bed taking a short break from feeding.

Abigail and babies in the birthing box.  They will stay in the box until they are old enough to crawl out over the barrier. Usually 3 to 4 weeks.

FOUR boys and ONE girl.

Look at the boy with the band of white at his neck and shoulders.  So cool.

Abigail and babies in a box.

 Black and White Tabby Girl.  5 days old.

 Boy #1  
 Boy #2
 Boy #  3
 Boy #4 Band of White over neck and shoulders.

Abigail says:  " Did you see what I did??  All 5 healthy and spoiled.  I did such a good job, don't you think?"

Everybody have a wonderful day and enjoy our little ones' pictures.

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