Hello all!!!
I thought we would have some kittens by now, but HONEY decided to trick me....I thought she was pregnant and then...5 weeks in...she went into heat, ACH!! She was not pregnant. (I was so sad) SO, I thought this might be a good time for another KITTENS GONE HOME blog. PLEASE remember these are all photos sent to me by these cat's owners and none of them are available. This is just for FUN. So that being said...let's get started:
OH, hello, I was just thinking about getting up. But this seems so comfy.
Alright, we need a plan of action for this material today...look how loooong it is.
This paper is MINE, Don't touch it.
I am just a part of the decor here. The best part...I agree.
Nope, Not moving, good to see you though, rub my belly.
Yes, I'm the baby. See all my baby blankets. I was well received. And loving it.
Hello, I am new owner of the chair, it is mine now. But I will sit here and look cute so you can take pictures of me.
I'm a darling little kitten...gotta love me.
I was at work and I started putting the finished product into the mailer when I suddenly got so tired I just thought I'd rest here a minute.
I earn my keep around here polishing the floors with my tail.
"What do you make of it?" "I don't know yet, keep watching!"
Hey Mom, this kitten you brought home is on my scratcher again.
Just adore my sweet face and I'll be happy.
I am KING of all I survey.
HA HA I am loved more than you are.......
I don't know how I'm gonna pay all these bills. Maybe I'll just chew on the paper.
Scratch my belly and call me contented.
This is my idea of HIGH society.
I'm so happy it just curls my toes.
Snuck this one in, this is actually my cat Maliha.
Typical....throw away the toy and give 'em the box to play in.
oh, decision time, do I want my dinner or stay here and take a nap.
I'm playing pirate and this is my trusty ship. Land Ho!!!!
I love nap time. I am so sleepy. I will just shut my eyes for a few minutes..........
98...99...100...ready or not here I come.
I love hanging out with you!!!
What? I'm helping... I'm pressing the laundry.
Pretty in Pink
NO.no more work, Pay Attention To Me.
Hello, I am your couch inspector and this is not at all level.
Hello dahling, I'll have sardines and cream for breakfast today. Thank you dahling.
I'm bored I want to play with my feather wand with the bells on it. Can you get that please?
Now for this presentation we are going to use ZOOM on the computers and I may need a laser pointer.
Nothing like a comfy pillow to rest my head upon.
WAIT! What was that???
OH, my humans are fixing dinner.. I will wait on the pillows and nap until after dinner.
Is it black and white or is it in color??? Only Memorex knows for sure.
A little splash of color never hurts.
Fly that thing ovber here one more time!!!!!
Look deep into my limpid pools of blue. Fish, tuna , salmon, sardines........
OH HELLO, I was JUST going to call you.
I want a screened in porch SO bad !!! I am jealous of this two cats right now. {I'm not even kiddding}
We have plans for the evening. Nice fire books, remote....a few snacks wouldn't hurt, do you mind?!
Just me and my shadow........
The two most incredible ' fluffy brigade '.
oh man, I just LOVE you SO much.
Toys, toys, toys , toys, who can be bored??? Fun, fun, fun.
That's it, I'm pooped.
That is just too fascinating.
Ok, one of us fell down the steps, can you tell which one? That was embarrassing.
Yes we are spoiled and loving it. And we love you too.
To all our loving owners and their pampered little pumpkins, I thank you for the photos and for the opportunity to do these Kittens Gone Home blogs.
I probably need some help with captions, any suggestions will probably be used in future. (smile)
Have a wonderful day and stay warm and safe.
Cherished Siberians
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