Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Toby needs a Home

Hello to everybody who has a big heart and ability to take care of a special needs cat.
Seems like Toby has developed Diabetes.  He is fine, he just needs two injections of Vetsulin a day. It is not expensive and lasts for 3-4 months of treatments.
     Anybody who has been to my house has more than likely been introduced to Toby.  My first breeder boy from back when I first began.  He has been neutered and is just my pet now.  But I feel like he needs more love and attention than I am able to give at this point and I want him to have a loving , caring, wonderful home.  And I am willing to give him to someone who can fit that bill for him.  Toby is loving, outgoing, wants to be in your lap, follows you  from room to room and greets you at the door. He is gentle and sweet.  And I feel bad that I don't have all the time in the world, which he deserves.

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