Sunday, April 21, 2024


ABIGAIL  DID have kittens about 2 weeks ago now.  But she will NOT let me get near them.  She swats at me and hides them with her body.
This is all I've been able to get, which isn't much.

We have one Blue Tabby Boy.....he is adopted.    One Colorpoint Boy.....he is adopted;

One Colorpoint girl....AVAILABLE;   And one Blue Tabby Girl.....she is adopted.

The Blue Tabby W/ White paws is the boy.

As you can tell, the pictures I've gotten were from above the box pointing the camera down in to capture what ABIGAIL would tolerate.  She's never acted like she would scratch and bite me about touching her kittens before.  You think she just KNOWS that this is her last litter?  Whoa, smart kitty. lol.

I will get individual pictures as soon as ABIGAIL loosens up a little.

They are all getting fat little tummies and moving around and being vocal. Everything that they should be doing right now.

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the influx of Spring and Summer.  The weather still is fluctuating between cold and warmer weather.  Pretty soon we'll all be complaining of the heat. (haha, humans are never satisfied.)

Have a happy day,
Doreene Richmond
Cherished Siberians
23292 Hawfield Rd.
Unionville, Va.  22567

Thursday, April 4, 2024

DREAMER's Kittens are Alert and Active

With their eyes open, these little ones can melt your heart.
Look up pretty babies!

How adorable you all are.
this one is a boy. He is adopted.
This one is a little girl. She is adopted.
This is a little girl. She is adopted.
This is a little boy. He is adopted.
This one is a little girl.
And this one is a little girl.
So we ended up having 2 boys and 4 girls. 2 girls still available. I still.have a few on my Waiting List yet to call.  Some have asked for a future litter, because timing wasn't right for them this time, so I am still working on it.
Take home date is May 16th.

Good news too is that ABIGAIL will be delivering her kittens this weekend sometime.  We will be excited to see who she has to offer.  She always ha beautiful and super friendly kittens. It's rare she has a shy one.  Stay tuned.
Doreene Richmond 
23292 Hawfield Rd.
Unionville, Va. 22567